Doctors as leaders accreditation

Individuals As Leaders Course

The 'Doctors as leaders' accreditation from the RCP explores key features of organisational leadership and examines the knowledge and personal qualities necessary for doctors to lead effectively in the NHS.

These workshops are primarily aimed at new consultants and senior trainees. However, more senior consultants will also benefit from the issues covered.

What will you learn?

The accreditation consists of two interactive 1-day workshops, which will enable doctors to explore the theory and practice of team leadership and organisational change, as well as to examine their own individual leadership styles and explore ways of dealing with the demands of life as a consultant in the NHS.

Who should attend?

  • all specialties
  • ST3+
  • SAS
  • consultants and final-year trainees.

Accreditation workshops

To achieve the RCP leadership accreditation you will need to attend both of the following workshops (in either order):

Following your attendance, you will be asked to submit a short assignment reflecting on your practice as a leader. You will receive full details of the assignment during the workshops.

Membership and early-bird discounts are available. To benefit from discounted RCP members delegate rates at conferences, training and events, join the RCP today.