


Leds And Imgs Report Web

Educational and career support for locally employed doctors (LEDs) and international medical graduates (IMGs): guidance for doctors and employers

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published new educational and career guidance for locally employed doctors (LEDs) and international medical graduates (IMGs).

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Green physician toolkit

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published a Green physician toolkit that brings together the evidence on health and climate change, and suggests actions that physicians can take in their day-to-day practice.

Focus On Physicians The UK 2023 Census Of Consultant Physicians

Snapshot of UK consultant physicians 2023

The three Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK have published findings from their 2023 UK consultant physician survey, providing key data on the physician workforce and an insight into their working lives.

Breathing Well RCP Website Img

Breathing well – clinical audit report 2022/23

Breathing well is a state of the nation review of care for people with asthma and COPD in hospital, and for people with COPD accessing pulmonary rehabilitation, between 2022-2023 in England and Wales. The report is compiled using data from 676 services in England and Wales that participated in NRAP. This report includes four national recommendations relevant to key decision-makers and commissioners.

Educational And Career Support Guidance Cover

Educational and career support for specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) doctors: guidance for doctors and employers

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has published new educational and career guidance for specialist, associate specialist and specialty (SAS) doctors.

Diversity And Inclusion

Royal College of Physicians gender pay gap 2023

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) monitors and publishes its gender pay gap on an annual basis.

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Webinar: NAIF discusses the importance of delirium

The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) is proud to present our first webinar of the year discussing the importance of delirium.


Health Inequalities - Homelessness

In this video Dr Pippa Medcalf and Peter Bull discuss health inequalities for people experiencing homelessness.

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Health inequalities in LGBTQ+ communities

In this video Professor Catherine Meads discusses health inequalities in LGBTQ+ communities. Professor Meads outlines what you, as a healthcare professional, can do to ensure you are not contributing to or worsening health inequalities within these communities.