National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF)

The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) is a clinically led, web-based audit of inpatient falls prevention care and post fall management in acute, mental health, community and specialist trusts in England and Wales. NAIF aims to improve inpatient falls prevention and post fall care through audit and quality improvement.

The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) audits the delivery and quality of care for patients over 60 who fall and sustain a fracture of the hip or thigh bone in acute, mental health, community and specialist NHS trusts/health boards in England and Wales. NAIF reviews the care the patient has received before their fall as well as the post fall care. The audit also looks for evidence of examination for other injuries for patients who are found to have a fracture, which is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s (NICE) clinical guideline CG161 - and quality standard QS86.

Who's involved?

The audit is funded through the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) and is carried out by the Care Quality Improvement Department of the Royal College of Physicians. Participation in this audit and results will be communicated to HQIP and will also be shared with other statutory bodies, including the Department of Health. The audit is steered by a multi-disciplinary advisory group and the FFFAP patient panel. Our key partners are in the advisory group are:

NAIF data collection webtool and performance tables are provided by Crown Informatics

Data analysis by Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford

What we have produced



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Webinar: NAIF discusses the importance of delirium

The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) is proud to present our first webinar of the year discussing the importance of delirium.

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NAIF annual report 2023

Inpatient falls and fractures – one chance to get it rightThe fifth annual report of the continuous National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) covers England and Wales facilities audit data and clinical audit data from 1 January to 31 December 2022.

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Webinar: Presenting the 2023 NAIF annual report

Watch NAIF’s last webinar of the year discussing the NAIF Autumn 2023 Annual report (2022 clinical data) with clinical lead, Julie Whitney held on Thursday 23 November 2023 12 – 1pm.

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NAIF resource repository

A repository of all resources produced by the National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) for healthcare professionals, patients and carers.

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Building your confidence after a fall in hospital

With over 1,300 people experiencing a fall related femoral fracture while in hospital across England and Wales in 2021, the National Audit of Inpatient Falls has put together a resource that can help patients, their carers and named contacts in understanding potential next steps and how to access further help.

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NAIF improvement repository

Collaboration is key to improvement. As such, we have created a platform for services to share improvement stories. Under each KPI, a series of case studies has been listed. There is also a case study template for services to complete and send to listed below. The information provided will be written as a narrative and returned to you for approval before being published.

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Webinar: Considerations in the implementation of effective multifactorial falls risk assessment

National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) webinar: Considerations in the implementation of effective multifactorial falls risk assessment – lessons from a multi-site case study.

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Supporting best and safe practice in post-fall management in inpatient settings

Created for clinicians, Supporting best and safe practice in post-fall management in inpatient settings clarifies what constitutes a post-fall check for injury. By providing guidance on how to implement best practice in post-fall management processes, training and competencies.

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How should your hospital prevent and respond to falls during your stay?

Did you know that over 2,000 people over the age of 60 fell and fractured their hip while staying in hospital in England and Wales in 2020?