News & opinion



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Developing the education strategy/ensuring all voices are heard

In this April’s senior officer blog, Dr Mumtaz Patel, our senior censor and vice president for education and training, reflects on her time in the role.

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The NHS at 75 | blog from Dr Anita Banerjee

With the NHS birthday week having now come to a close, obstetric physician, fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and regional advisor for England, Dr Anita Banerjee reflects on her relationship with the NHS and how it inspired her own journey into medicine.


Spotlight on… medical research in Wales

This month, RCP vice president for Wales Dr Hilary Williams talked to Dr Justyna Witczak, Dr Magda Meissner and Dr Sacha Moore about clinical academic career pathways in Wales.

Dr Hilary Williams NEW

The human touch | science in action

In her January blog, Dr Hilary Williams, RCP vice president for Wales, celebrates the work ‘bestie’ and shines a spotlight on academic and clinical research.

Dr Hilary Williams NEW

Y cyffyrddiad personol | gwyddoniaeth ar waith

Ym mlog mis Ionawr, mae Dr Hilary Williams, is-lywydd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon dros Gymru, yn dathlu ffrindiau yn y gwaith, ac yn tynnu sylw at ymchwil academaidd a chlinigol.

Dr Andrew Lansdown

Cynnydd a phwysau | cofio Dr Gareth Llewelyn

Yn y blog hwn, mae Dr Andrew Lansdown, cynghorydd rhanbarthol ar gyfer de-ddwyrain Cymru, yn rhoi pwysau’r gwasanaeth yng nghyd-destun y cynnydd a wnaed o ran gwella iechyd y boblogaeth. Mae’n atgoffa cydweithwyr pam maen nhw’n ymarfer meddygaeth ar adeg o alw cynyddol gan gleifion ac adnoddau cyfyngedig. Mae hefyd yn talu teyrnged i gyn-lywydd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon, Dr Gareth Llewelyn.

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"Anyone can drive change" | This Doctor Can | Race Equality Week

This week, we are recognising Race Equality Week, which sees hundreds of thousands of organisations and individuals from all over the UK come together to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace.

Dr M Haneef

This Doctor Can: Dr M Haneef

Senior consultant and RCP fellow Dr M Haneef shares his story on chasing his dreams and how his determination helped him face many challenges during his journey into medicine.

Dr John Dean

Career-long knowledge and skills as a specialist and generalist

Our senior officer blog for February comes from Dr John Dean, who explores the balance between generalist and specialist practice for physicians.

Dr Sarah Clarke President

2024 must see a prevention first approach to healthcare | blog from Dr Sarah Clarke

2024 must be the year that we put prevention first.