News & opinion



Social Care 0

From hospital to community: The role of physicians in transforming NHS care

Following the RCP’s submission to the government’s 10-Year Health Plan, RCP officers set out their thoughts on the three ‘shifts’ proposed in the plan: sickness to prevention, hospital to community, and analogue to digital. In this piece, Dr John Dean, RCP clinical vice president, focuses on the hospital to community shift.

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Transforming challenges into opportunities: The success story of North Bristol's clinical fellow programme

As part of our #NextGenPhysicians blog series, Dr Rhiannon Hughes, former RCP chief registrar, and now an acute medicine consultant, shares how she helped transform staffing challenges at North Bristol NHS Trust by creating a clinical fellow programme that offers flexible rotations, professional development time and strong support – turning a recruitment issue into a career development success.

RCP Shield

Preventing illness, promoting health: Delivering on the government’s 10-year vision

With the deadline for organisations to respond the government’s 10-year health plan now passed, RCP officers set out their thoughts on the three ‘shifts’ proposed in the plan: sickness to prevention, hospital to community, and analogue to digital. In this first piece, Dr Mumtaz Patel, acting as president of the RCP, reflects on the government’s consultation on its 10-year health plan and focuses on the sickness to prevention shift.


My journey as an IMG in the NHS and the lessons learned

Dr Abhishek Ray, specialty registrar in gastroenterology and general internal medicine (GIM), arrived in the UK in 2018 as an international medical graduate (IMG) from India. In this piece – part of our #NextGenPhysicians blog series – Dr Ray explores the huge culture shock of practising and training in medicine from one country to another.

Tackling Health Inequalities

Universal access to rehabilitation is key to reducing the gap in healthy life expectancy: guest blog post from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

The Inequalities in Health Alliance (IHA) is a coalition of more than 250 organisations, convened by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which campaigns for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities. This blog post by Natasha Owusu, policy lead for England at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), is part of a series by IHA member organisations.

Hospital Corridor

Cymhlethdod mewn meddygaeth | hyfforddi’r genhedlaeth nesaf o feddygon

Yn y blog mis yma, Dr Hilary Williams, Is Lywydd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yng Nghymru sy’n bwrw golwg ar yr arolygiad diweddar o wasanaethau gofal iechyd, gofal mewn coridorau ac amseroedd aros.

Hospital Corridor

Complexity in medicine | training the next generation of physicians

In this month’s blog, Dr Hilary Williams, RCP vice president for Wales reflects on the recent inspection of healthcare services, corridor care and waiting times.

RCP Shield

Charting a new course: navigating constitutional and governance reform at the RCP

As nominations open to elect the next president of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), Dr Omar Mustafa, registrar, reflects on the history of constitutional and governance reform at the college and outlines plans to modernise how we work in an ever – changing world.


Enhancing population health at the Royal College of Physicians

As her tenure comes to an end, Professor Carol Brayne reflects on the work that she’s been involved in and the achievements that she has supported since taking up post as the RCP’s special adviser on population health.