

11 April 2024

Royal College of Physicians announces independent review among next steps post EGM

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The review underscores the college’s renewed commitment to transparency and accountability following the EGM, particularly on the handling of a pre-EGM member survey and how the data were presented to fellows.

The independent review is being conducted by The King’s Fund and is expected to report to RCP Council within 4 months. Its mandate is to look at:

  • the context leading up to the EGM and the survey data management issues
  • the current governance framework of the RCP, including its leadership and internal processes
  • identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in data management, governance practices and procedures.

Dr Sarah Clarke, president of the RCP, said:

"We have without doubt fallen short of the standards expected of us by our members and I am sorry for that. Particularly in today’s challenging environment for our profession, our members need leadership and to trust in our ability to represent their interests.

"We fully commit to learning from this review and working together, both to restore that trust and to be the professional organisation that our members should expect."

The RCP is also shaping a plan to deliver the outcome of its EGM ballot, pledging a renewed focus on supporting and empowering the next generation of physicians.

The plan was debated at an RCP Council meeting yesterday where a number of immediate priorities were outlined, including:

  • The launch of a short-life working group to develop a detailed action plan in response to the EGM ballot results. This will include representatives from Council and specialist societies and will involve trainees, SAS/LE doctors and consultants.
  • Working alongside the Faculty of Physician Associates to develop a clear timeline for transition to an independent faculty within 12 months.

The short-life working group will be tasked with developing an action plan on the five EGM motions – all of which were passed. This will cover scope of practice, accountability, evaluation, the impact on training opportunities, and the pace and scale of roll-out of the role of PAs. Upon completion, the action plan will be made public.